The Wedding Party!

Maid of Honor

Caroline is Patrick’s baby sister. During quarantine, Caroline and Alex grew very close bonding over working out, Tik Tok, and cats. An interesting fact about Caroline is that she is a quadruple threat: singer, dancer, actor, and can do a legendary Louis Armstrong impersonation!

Ellyse is Alexandra’s older sister. Ellyse is an avid runner and has run a few marathons. She is currently finishing up her PhD! A fun fact about Ellyse is that she can touch her nose with her tongue!

Erin and Alex met because their fiancés are brothers! Erin and Alex have become pretty good friends the past couple of years navigating the Glazier Clan together. An interesting fact about Erin is that she studied abroad in Ireland and when she gets married her initials will be E.G.G.!

Kasey lived in the same dorm as Alex freshmen year of college. Both majored in Neuroscience and suffered through many classes together. They joined K Crew and K Week Board together and even waitressed together. A fun fact about Kasey is she in dental school and in her spare time she does Spartan Races!

Kree and Alex met their sophomore year at the University of Kentucky in February of 2017. It was an instant friendship that led Kree to becoming Alex’s “Big” in a sorority. A fun fact about Kree is she loves to randomly dance in public, so you’ll definitely see her on the dance floor!

Lauren was the first friend Alex made at UK. They became best friends watching Bridal Fridays on TLC and ordering pizza on the weekends. An interesting fact about Lauren is that she has over 30 Rubik’s cubes!

Olivia is Alexandra’s younger cousin who grew up to be more of a little sister instead. Olivia loves video games and her favorite animal at the STL Zoo is the penguin!

Tatum and Alex met during the fall semester in 2017 in the sorority. They immediately hit it off and Tatum became Alex’s “Little”. A fun fact about Tatum is she used to foster and train future service dogs!

Best Man

Mason and Patrick became friends in the seventh grade. They became friends when Mason excitedly waved at Patrick when his name was called during roll. It was later revealed that Mason waved at Patrick because he was overjoyed that the other Patrick at their school was not in his class. Mason and the other Patrick did not get along, but he is now lifelong friends with the groom.

Topper is Patrick's older brother. Much to the bride's dismay, the two talk and play video games into the long hours of the night on a regular occassion. Recently they've enjoyed Dungeons and Dragons (which Alexandra also plays).

Ben and Patrick have been friends since highschool. Afterwards they lived together in a sardine can (otherwise known has Blanding Hall at UK), where they spent many nights discussing each other's art, and watching Avatar the Last Airbender.

Hagan is Alexandra's younger brother. He and Patrick hit it off very quickly, soon finding a friend in each other. On one night in particular, the two of them journeyed across Lexington in search of jumper cables, when Hagan left the lights of his father's car on. Luckily, the gas station up the road from Patrick's house had a set for sale.

Phillip is Alexandra's older brother. He and Patrick both enjoy fishing on Oma and Opa's lake, where Patrick has out fished him on only a single occassion.

Kyle and Patrick have been friends since the first day of three year old pre-school. The two of them went home that day and told their mothers they'd made a new best friend. The two have been close friends ever since.

Nick and Patrick became friends in sixth grade. Though they have many memories together, one which stands out is the many weekends they spent playing lazer tag, followed by endless hours of minecraft in high school.

Derek is Alexandra’s older cousin who is more of an older brother than cousin. Derek and Patrick have bonded over board games and movies. An interesting fact about Derek is that he is a lawyer and a huge fan of Cardinal's baseball.